Honey, I Hid the Kids!: Experiences of Parents and Carers in the Australian Screen Industry: Full Report November 2018

Megan Riakos, Deb Verhoeven, Sheree Gregory, Erin Joly, Margaret McHugh

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


This report takes a care-focused approach to understanding the lived realities of working in the Australian screen industry. Creatively reframing work-care dynamics is also about safeguarding the screen industry. Our long-term investment in substantial resources – both human and financial – should enable an inclusive, productive, resilient, sustainable and successful screen industry in Australia. Not caring about caring however, means that this investment remains unrealised and is too often lost altogether. It perpetuates existing industrial and social inequalities. And given the importance of the screen industries to maintaining national culture, it diminishes us all. This report then is not just about care; it is an intervention of care. It advances a screen industry that is invested in transparent and equitable work-care relations, that values all carers (inclusive of self-care), and that is directed to long- term sustainability (both individual and industrial) based on a better work-life balance in the screen industry.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSydney, N.S.W.
PublisherWIFT N.S.W.
Number of pages38
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • motion picture industry
  • women employees
  • working mothers
  • social conditions
  • work-life balance
  • Australia


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