Human embryonic stem cell-derived progenitors assist functional sensory axon regeneration after dorsal root avulsion injury

Jan Hoeber, Carl Trolle, Niclas Konig, Zhongwei Du, Alessandro Gallo, Emmanuel Hermans, Hakan Aldskogius, Peter Shortland, Su-Chun Zhang, Ronald Deumens, Elena N. Kozlova

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    17 Citations (Scopus)


    Dorsal root avulsion results in permanent impairment of sensory functions due to disconnection between the peripheral and central nervous system. Improved strategies are therefore needed to reconnect injured sensory neurons with their spinal cord targets in order to achieve functional repair after brachial and lumbosacral plexus avulsion injuries. Here, we show that sensory functions can be restored in the adult mouse if avulsed sensory fibers are bridged with the spinal cord by human neural progenitor (hNP) transplants. Responses to peripheral mechanical sensory stimulation were significantly improved in transplanted animals. Transganglionic tracing showed host sensory axons only in the spinal cord dorsal horn of treated animals. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed that sensory fibers had grown through the bridge and showed robust survival and differentiation of the transplants. Section of the repaired dorsal roots distal to the transplant completely abolished the behavioral improvement. This demonstrates that hNP transplants promote recovery of sensorimotor functions after dorsal root avulsion, and that these effects are mediated by spinal ingrowth of host sensory axons. These results provide a rationale for the development of novel stem cell-based strategies for functionally useful bridging of the peripheral and central nervous system.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number10666
    Number of pages17
    JournalScientific Reports
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • avulsion fractures
    • axons
    • central nervous system
    • regeneration
    • spinal cord


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