Human Health and Climate Change in Pacific Island Countries

Lachlan McIver, Rokho Kim, Simon Hales, Yasushi Honda, Jeffery T. Spickett, Alistair Woodward, Hilary Bambrick, Masahiro Hashizume, Steven Iddings, Dianne Katscherian, Ho Kim, Jyotishma Naicker

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


This report, Human health and climate change in Pacific island countries, targets policymakers and advisers, health professionals and scientists, community-based organizations and other stakeholders. It presents the outcomes of work carried out by WHO in collaboration with ministries of health in Pacific island countries and areas over the past few years. The report follows up the Madang Commitment, endorsed in 2009 at the biennial Pacific Health Ministers Meeting, by performing vulnerability assessments and preparing the National Climate Change and Health Action Plans (NCCHAPs). Although Pacific island countries and areas were the focus of the report, most findings and recommendations are likely applicable to small island developing states (SIDS) worldwide. The purpose of this report is to present the most relevant research evidence, situation analyses and recommendations for climate change and health adaptation in Pacific island countries and areas, with the intention of providing a strategic framework and evidence based policy options required to prevent and manage the impacts of climate change on the health of communities across the Pacific.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPhilippines
PublisherWorld Health Organization
Number of pages145
ISBN (Print)9789290617303
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • climatic changes
  • environmental aspects
  • health
  • risk assessment
  • Pacific Islands


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