HyCon : virtual prototyping in hybrid concrete construction frame design

X. Zhang, J. S. Goulding, M. G. Sexton, G. Aouad, M. Kagioglou

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Hybrid concrete construction is a technologically advanced approach to frame construction. It utilizes an optimal mix of structural materials;eg, in situ concrete with precast concrete and steelwork. The process of selecting an hybridoptimized solution, however, often requires several factors to be considered, eg, “hard”criteria such as time and cost, and “soft” criteria such as safety and aesthetics (to be considered simultaneously) - the complexities of which can often be a core barrier to implementation. This paper introduces the concept of hybrid concrete construction and presents a virtual prototyping tool to assist the decisionmaking process. This model is able to import computer aided design information into a central database - the details of which are then layered with additional information; eg, hard and soft performance criteria and so on. Solutions can be interrogated and demonstrated through an interactive virtual environment, in which multioption scenarios can be evaluated against specific userdefined criteria. Findings have identified several core benefits, including the ability to: justify decisions corroborated with detailed data; evaluate options against each other; interrogate objects at a much greater detail than before; and see the effects of changes in a “realtime” environment.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)47-60
Number of pages14
JournalConstruction Innovation
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2006


  • cement composites
  • composite materials
  • decision making
  • design
  • virtual reality


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