'I like your costume' : dress-up play and feminist trans-theoretical shifts

Jen Lyttleton-Smith, Kerry H. Robinson

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter

8 Citations (Scopus)


In this chapter we discuss different theoretical approaches to analysing and interpreting the ways in which young children dress up their bodies in gendering and queering ways, namely feminist post-structuralist (FPS), queer theory and post-humanist (PH) . In doing so, we discuss the advantages, intersections, difficulties and tensions associated with these different theoretical frameworks. In terms of situating ourselves theoretically, we each have come from, and currently come to this discussion with, sometimes differing, intersecting and shifting/emerging perspectives in terms of our relationships with these theories, but our perspectives do align at certain critical points. Historically, Kerry Robinson comes from a feminist theoretical background, taking up feminist post-structuralist and queer theory approaches in her work on childhood, gender and sexuality in order to address the difficulties associated with earlier feminist frameworks.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFeminists Researching Gendered Childhoods: Generative Entanglements
EditorsJayne Osgood, Kerry H. Robinson
Place of PublicationU.K.
PublisherBloomsbury Academic
Number of pages23
ISBN (Electronic)9781474285797
ISBN (Print)9781474285780
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • child development
  • feminist theory
  • gender
  • poststructuralism


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