Identification of dynamic load for prosthetic structures

Dequan Zhang, Xu Han, Zhongpu Zhang, Jie Liu, Chao Jiang, Nobuhiro Yoda, Xianghua Meng, Qing Li

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8 Citations (Scopus)


Dynamic load exists in numerous biomechanical systems, and its identification signifies a critical issue for characterizing dynamic behaviors and studying biomechanical consequence of the systems. This study aims to identify dynamic load in the dental prosthetic structures, namely, 3‐unit implant‐supported fixed partial denture (I‐FPD) and teeth‐supported fixed partial denture. The 3-dimensional finite element models were constructed through specific patient's computerized tomography images. A forward algorithm and regularization technique were developed for identifying dynamic load. To verify the effectiveness of the identification method proposed, the I‐FPD and teeth‐supported fixed partial denture structures were investigated to determine the dynamic loads. For validating the results of inverse identification, an experimental force‐measuring system was developed by using a 3‐dimensional piezoelectric transducer to measure the dynamic load in the I‐FPD structure in vivo. The computationally identified loads were presented with different noise levels to determine their influence on the identification accuracy. The errors between the measured load and identified counterpart were calculated for evaluating the practical applicability of the proposed procedure in biomechanical engineering. This study is expected to serve as a demonstrative role in identifying dynamic loading in biomedical systems, where a direct in vivo measurement may be rather demanding in some areas of interest clinically.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere2889
Number of pages18
JournalInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • bridges (dentistry)
  • dental implants
  • dentures


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