Identification of suitable sites using GIS for rainwater harvesting structures to meet irrigation demand

Preeti Preeti, Yuri Shendryk, Ataur Rahman

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18 Citations (Scopus)


This study uses a multi-criteria decision analysis approach based on geographic information system (GIS) to identify suitable sites for rainwater harvesting (RWH) structures (such as farm dam, check dam and contour bund) to meet irrigation demand in Greater Western Sydney region, New South Wales, Australia. Data on satellite image, soil, climate, and digital elevation model (DEM) were stored in GIS layers and merged to create a ranking system, which were then used to identify suitable RWH (rainwater harvesting) areas. The resulting thematic layers (such as rainfall, land use/land cover, soil type, slope, runoff depth, drainage density, stream order and distance from road) were combined into one overlay to produce map of RWH suitability. The results showed that 9% of the study region is ‘very highly suitable’ and 25% is ‘highly suitable’. On the other hand, 36% of the area, distributed in the north-west, west and south-west of the study region, is ‘moderately suitable’. While 21% of the region, distributed in east and south-east part of the region, has ‘low suitability’ and 9% is found as ‘unsuitable area’. The findings of this research will contribute towards wider adoption of RWH in Greater Western Sydney region to meet irrigation demand. The developed methodology can be adapted to any other region/country.
Original languageEnglish
Article number3480
Number of pages20
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Open Access - Access Right Statement

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