Imaging dynamic scenes with a spatio-temporally channeled polarimeter

Jiawei Song, Israel J. Vaughn, Andrey S. Alenin, J. Scott Tyo

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Most channeled polarimeters modulate the intensity in a single independent domain such as space, time, or wavenumber. Recently we proposed and modeled a concept for a system modulated simultaneously in space and time [Opt. Lett. 43, 2768 – 2771 (2018)] and demonstrated that superior performance could be obtained by trading off spatial and temporal bandwidth in the system. Here we present results from a prototype realization of such a system and demonstrate quantitatively that the spatial modulation transfer function of the imager can be improved by choosing the appropriate modulation strategy for a given scene spatial and temporal bandwidth. We demonstrate that a hybrid modulation system can achieve the high spatial frequency performance of a time modulated system for static scenes, or it can achieve the high temporal frequency performance of a spatially modulated system for rapidly varying scenes, and it can out perform both systems for scenes with intermediate bandwidth in both domains. Moreover, the physical system implementation is essentially the same for each system type, which in principle allows the reconstruction strategy to be selected in real-time by choosing the appropriate reconstruction filters.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)28423-28436
Number of pages14
JournalOptics Express
Issue number20
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • image processing
  • polariscope
  • polarizability (electricity)


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