IMI : global trends in myopia management attitudes and strategies in clinical practice : 2022 update

James S. Wolffsohn, Yasmin Whayeb, Nicola S. Logan, Rebecca Weng, International Myopia Institute Ambassador Group, Dwight Akerman, Ugur Emrah Altiparmak, Janarthanam Jothi Balaji, Rigmor C. Baraas, Alexandra Benavente-Perez, Mukharram M. Bikbov, Mark A. Bullimore, Antonio Calossi, Connie Chen, Edgar Davila-Garcia, Lovisa Adelaide Fagerlund, Timothy R. Fricke, Elena Garcia Rubio, Kate Gifford, Patrícia I. GusXiangui He, Elena Iomdina, Olga Proskurina, Elena Tarutta, Rafael Iribarren, Jost B. Jonas, Debbie Jones, Weizhong Lan, Giancarlo Montani, Kyoko Ohno-Matsui, Uchechukwu Levi Osuagwu, Francisco Pérez Robles, Sotiris Plainis, Millette H. Romualdez, Jacinto Santodomingo-Rubido, Ariela Gordon-Shaag, Einat Shneor, Gabi Steenbekkers, Huy D. M. Tran, Ariolfo Vazquez, Cesar Villa-Collar, Pei-Chang Wu, Madara Zvirgzdina

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39 Citations (Scopus)


PURPOSE. Surveys in 2015 and 2019 identified a high level of eye care practitioner concern/activity about myopia, but the majority still prescribed single vision interventions to young myopes. This research aimed to provide updated information. METHODS. A self-administered, internet-based questionnaire was distributed in 13 languages, through professional bodies to eye care practitioners globally. The questions examined awareness of increasing myopia prevalence, perceived efficacy and adoption of available strategies, and reasons for not adopting specific strategies. RESULTS. Of the 3195 respondents, practitioners’ concern about the increasing frequency of pediatric myopia in their practices differed between continents (P < 0.001), being significantly higher in Asia (9.0 ± 1.5 of 10) than other continents (range 7.7–8.2; P ≤ 0.001). Overall, combination therapy was perceived by practitioners to be the most effective method of myopia control, followed by orthokeratology and pharmaceutical approaches. The least effective perceived methods were single vision distance undercorrection, spectacles and contact lenses, as well as bifocal spectacles. Practitioners rated their activity in myopia control between (6.6 ± 2.9 in South America to 7.9 ± 1.2/2.2 in Australasia and Asia). Single-vision spectacles are still the most prescribed option for progressing young myopia (32.2%), but this has decreased since 2019, and myopia control spectacles (15.2%), myopia control contact lenses (8.7%) and combination therapy (4.0%) are growing in popularity. CONCLUSIONS. More practitioners across the globe are practicing myopia control, but there are still significant differences between and within continents. Practitioners reported that embracing myopia control enhanced patient loyalty, increasing practice revenue and improving job satisfaction.

Original languageEnglish
Article number6
Number of pages15
JournalInvestigative Opthamology and Visual Science
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - May 2023

Open Access - Access Right Statement

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