Implementing sport, physical activity and physical education in New South Wales, Australia, primary schools

John R. Evan, Christina Curry

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A renewed focus on Physical Education in New South Wales primary schools has the potential to act as an intervention that has positive long-term implications for the whole population. The introduction of physical education (PE) as part of the National Curriculum means the role of PE in Australian primary schools is now open for renewed attention. The rise of an international obesity epidemic means that that the role of PE in primary schools has the potential to make a positive impact on public health outcomes. There could be significant long term savings from well-organized PE programs in primary schools delivered by teaching staff educated in quality physical education. In addition there is also an historical and emerging body of research which links physical activity to academic performance. However not all teachers in primary schools have the skills or life experiences to effectively teach PE. In order to achieve these outcomes we posit that the use of a Game Centered Teaching approach and the use of an underlying pedagogy have the potential to provide more meaningful experiences for students and teachers. In order to implement a Game Centered Teaching approach we advocate the use of specialist PE teachers rather than outsourcing the delivery of PE in schools.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)27-45
Number of pages19
JournalAgora for Physical Education and Sports
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Open Access - Access Right Statement

All works published in the Agora magazine for Physical Education and Sports are subject to a "Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Spain" license (CC-by-nc).


  • education
  • exercise
  • teachers


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