Implementing the New NSW Mathematics Syllabus: Off to a Flying Start!

Catherine Attard, Allan L. White

Research output: Book/Research ReportAuthored Book


This year’s publication has been produced against the backdrop of the introduction of the Australian Curriculum based New South Wales Mathematics K-10 syllabus. We have followed our tradition of including both academic papers that were subjected to a blind review process by the International Panel of Reviewers and are collected under the heading ‘Educational Papers With A Pedagogical Disposition’ and teaching papers that were not subject to peer review process but were reviewed by the editors and are collected under the heading ‘Classroom Papers With A Research Disposition‘.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBurwood, N.S.W.
PublisherMathematical Association of New South Wales
Number of pages43
ISBN (Print)9780958662031
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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