Improved functional properties for soy-wheat doughs due to modification of the size distribution of polymeric proteins

Elizabeth Maforimbo, Geoff Skurray, S. Uthayakumaran, Colin W. Wrigley

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    33 Citations (Scopus)


    Physical modification of soy flour was shown to greatly improve the dough and baking qualities of soy–wheat (1:1) composite doughs, compared to raw soy flour, giving better stability and Rmax, although extensibility was still below that of the wheat dough. Reasons for improvements caused by the physical-modification process were sought by determining the relative size distribution of proteins in the soy–wheat composite doughs by size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC). Results were expressed as the proportion of ‘unextractable polymeric protein’ (%UPP)—the proportion of the protein that is over 100,000 Da and only extractable after sonication. Protein extracts from the soy–wheat dough were sampled at different stages of dough mixing and fermentation, and their molecular-size distributions evaluated. Unextractable soy proteins were lower in raw soy flour (only 8% UPP) than in two physically-modified soy flours (19 and 34% UPP, respectively). Unextractable polymeric protein was much greater for wheat flour (57% UPP). After mixing a 1:1 soy–wheat composite dough, the %UPP was 36 and 22 (for the two types) when made from physically modified soy flours, compared to 8 for a composite dough using raw soy flour, and 43 for a wheat-only dough. The higher proportion of UPP for the wheat-modified soy doughs was taken as a reason for this composite dough providing better dough and baking qualities. Prolonged fermentation time caused a decrease in UPP percentages for all composite doughs and for the wheat-only dough.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Cereal Science
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


    • composite dough
    • dough strength
    • protein size distribution
    • unextractable polymeric proteins


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