In praise of concept production : formats, schools and nonrepresentational media studies

Geert Lovink, Ned Rossiter

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


    In this chapter, Lovink and Rossiter argue that the field of media studies has yet to develop a theory of itself. Audience studies investigated fandom and the production of meaning, textual analysis preoccupied itself with signification processes attached to content, and political economy turned its gaze on institutional power. Medium theory, while close to the authors' own interests, still falls short, they argue, because it never changed the dialectic between old and new media or gave the relation a productive twist. Medium theory established a continuum between old and new media without considering how the media form itself gives rise to the production of new concepts. Media studies desperately needs new concept production, the authors argue, based in both online and face-to-face collaborative efforts. To develop new concepts, media researchers should begin with some reflexive mediation, examining how they use their object of study in the research methodology itself. From there, Lovink and Rossiter advocate moving the agenda beyond the analysis of visual representation to mobile media, miniaturization, smart technologies, and the integration of media into urban environments.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe International Encyclopedia of Media Studies: Media Studies Futures. Volume 6
    EditorsKelly Gates
    Place of PublicationU.S.A.
    Number of pages15
    ISBN (Electronic)9781444361506
    ISBN (Print)9781405193566
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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