Influences on students’ assistive technology use at school : the views of classroom teachers, allied health professionals, students with cerebral palsy and their parents

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22 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose: This study explored how classroom teachers, allied health professionals, students with cerebral palsy, and their parents view high-tech assistive technology service delivery in the classroom. Methods: Semi-structured interviews with six classroom teachers and six parents and their children were conducted. Additionally, two focus groups comprising 10 occupational therapists and six speech pathologists were carried out. Ethical and confidentiality considerations meant that the groups were not matched. Results: Results revealed that it is often untrained staff member who determine students’ educational needs. The participants’ experiences suggested that, particularly in mainstream settings, there is a need for support and guidance from a professional with knowledge of assistive technology who can also take a lead and guide classroom teachers in how to meet students’ needs. Students’ motivation to use the technology was also found to be critical for its successful uptake. Conclusions: The study points to the need for classroom teachers to be given sufficient time and skill development opportunities to enable them to work effectively with assistive technology in the classroom. The participants’ experiences suggest that such opportunities are not generally forthcoming. Only in this way can it be ensured that students with disabilities receive the education that is their right. Implications for RehabilitationClassroom teachers, allied health professionals, students, parents need ongoing support and opportunities to practise operational, strategic and linguistic skills with the assistive technology equipment.System barriers to the uptake of assistive technology need to be addressed.To address the lack of time available for training, programing and other support activities around assistive technology, dedicated administrative support is crucial.Professional development around the use of the quality low cost ICF-CY checklist is recommended for both school and allied health staff.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)763-771
Number of pages9
JournalDisability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • assistive computer technology
  • cerebral palsied children
  • classrooms
  • inclusive education
  • teachers


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