Inquiry-based Learning Professional Development: Using Australia's Largest Infrastructure Project to Engage Students: Final Report to Sydney Metro

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


This report details the findings of research into the effectiveness and impact of a professional learning program for teachers funded by Sydney Metro (Transport for NSW). The program was conducted between 2021-2022 by teacher educators from the Centre for Educational Research at Western Sydney University, in partnership with Sydney Metro. Data were collected from participating teachers and industry experts, student surveys, and classroom observations to investigate the impact of the program on increasing student engagement. The research found positive impacts of the professional learning program on teachers by enhancing their pedagogical repertoires. Teachers were effectively able to implement engaging inquiry-based learning programs through which students participated in curriculum-relevant learning using aspects of Sydney Metro as an authentic context for inquiry. In addition to their own growth as educators, teachers reported high levels of student interest and engagement, demonstrating the positive impact inquiry-based learning and authentic contexts has on teaching and learning. Students were overwhelmingly positive of the experience, reporting greater levels of engagement, motivation, and interest in their learning. Students from the early years of primary school through to high school also perceived growth in important transferable skills such as collaboration, communication, and technological proficiency. Students especially appreciated the ability to engage with industry experts, to learn from them and to demonstrate their learning to an authentic, real-world audience.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Number of pages39
ISBN (Print)9781741085495
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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