Instinctive Drives® Profiles: Exploring Data, Presenting Results and Expanding Horizons

Janna Anneke Fitzgerald, Terrence Sloan, Kate Hayes, Ann Dadich, Geoffrey Ross Chapman

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


This is the third in a series of reports on research conducted by the authors in partnership with Link-up International Pty Ltd on the Link-up Instinctive Drives (I.D.) System ®. This period of research concentrated on answering questions about a possible relationship between the I.D. System ® and leadership practice. The research employed both statistical analysis of an extensive Link-up database of 15,900 entries to investigate any trends between the demographic characteristics of the respondents and their predominant drive profiles; and intensive qualitative case-study analysis to probe the employment of the I.D. System ® in client organizations, reviewing any subsequent changes in organizational communications or performance. The quantitative analysis of the database found that personnel in upper management had stronger drives to improvise than lower level managers and that clear differences existed between “typical” profiles at the occupational levels of Engineer, Operator and Executive. Slight cultural differences were also found between Northern Europeans, Asians and Anglos. From the qualitative case study research it was found that utilization of the I.D. System ® lead to improved organizational communication, improved team composition and function. The employment of the I.D. System ® was also lead to a movement away from a directive leadership to a more productive form. While there are many implications arising from these results for further research, particularly in the area of positive psychology, present findings indicate that the Instinctive Drives (I.D.) System ® provides a unique approach to human resource management that may be utilised to improve organizational communication and innovation. The research also has implications for effective cross-cultural communication for global organizations.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherUniversity of Western Sydney
Commissioning bodyNational Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy (NASCA)
Number of pages58
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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