International approaches to action research and knowledge translation : a panel discussion

A. Dew, R. Stancliffe, A. F. Schormans, M. Y. Wiese, P. Frawley, I. Tuffrey-Wijne

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: Across the world, disability researchers are increasingly including people with disability, family members and practitioners throughout the research process. Action Research engages researchers and end users in co-production. Knowledge Translation (KT) strategies ensure research reaches and benefits end users and other stakeholders. Combining Action Research principles and a KT approach results in research outcomes that are informed by, useful to, and used by, people with disability and their families and practitioners. Methods: A panel of international academics who use Action Research and KT will briefly describe their individual approaches and then discuss in a moderated panel format the benefits and challenges of adopting an Action Research and KT approach to develop evidence-based resources. Results: Each of the panel members has developed resources for use with and by people with intellectual disability, family members and practitioners. Resources include hard copy and online practice guides and booklets, DVDs, online training tools, posters and art installations. Implications: The panel discussion will draw on the expertise and examples of an international panel of researchers, to identify benefits and challenges in the use of Action Research and KT and its applicability to enhancing the inclusiveness of disability research.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)852-852
Number of pages1
JournalJournal of Intellectual Disability Research
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • people with disabilities
  • people with mental disabilities
  • action research


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