Introduction : challenging (the) humanities

Tony Bennett

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


    I hesitated, when first considering how to approach rhe topic for the Academy's 2012 symposium, beMeen two interpretations of the title I had in mind. The first-and my initial intention-was to focus on the challenges presented by the rapidly changing institutional, funding and policy environments in which humanities scholars work. Changing fee structures; volatile patterns of student enrolment; research assessment procedures; and, as a relatively new kid on the governmental block, the looming horizons of research impact assessment: these questions were very much on the Academy's agenda during the lead up to the symposium and irs immediate aftermath. They informed a joint workshop with the British Academy, that was convened in Melbourne shortly before the symposium, to consider how best to engage creatively with research impact agendas, and they informed a public forum the Academy held at the National Library in Canberra in early 2013 to discuss the relations between research impact and research assessment regimes. 1 They are also issues that would have lent themselves to the double register-of the challenges both being faced, and being issued by, the humanities-that I wanted to catch in my title.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationChallenging (the) Humanities
    EditorsTony Bennett
    Place of PublicationNorth Melbourne, Vic.
    PublisherAustralian Academy of the Humanities
    Number of pages7
    ISBN (Print)9781925003468
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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