Introduction : disability and rurality : identity, gender and belonging

Karen Soldatic, Kelley Johnson

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


![CDATA[What does rural living mean to people with disabilities? What interactions are there between rural living and the perceived identities developed by people with disabilities? What impact does rural living have on men and women with disabilities? How far does living rurally facilitate or create barriers to people with disabilities belonging in their community? What impact does location have on their lives, their relationships and their opportunities? What does rurality mean in the lives of people with disabilities? These questions, among others, were part of our motivation to edit this book. The questions themselves emerged from our growing interest in exploring the impact of living in a rural community for people with disabilities. In part this developed from being involved in collaborative projects focusing on rural life for people with disabilities both in Australia and overseas. Working with our colleagues, we began to consider how rural landscapes and communities shaped social understandings of disability, and how these understandings might uniquely shape disabled people’s opportunities for a ‘good life’. This international collection of chapters aims to add to our knowledge and understanding of rural living for people with disabilities and to begin to address our questions.]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDisability and Rurality: Identity, Gender and Belonging
EditorsKaren Soldatic, Kelley Johnson
Place of PublicationU.K.
Number of pages11
ISBN (Electronic)9781315577340
ISBN (Print)9781472454843
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • community life
  • people with disabilities
  • rural conditions


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