Investigating the factors that influence the choice of teaching as a first career : a report commissioned by the Queensland College of Teachers

Jennifer Gore, Kathryn Holmes, Max Smith, Leanne Fray

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


The aim of this scoping review was to examine contemporary empirical literature in order to identify factors that influence someone to choose teaching as a first career. The review also aimed to ascertain whether there were any differences between demographic groups. The four commonly recognised purposes of scoping reviews directly align with these aims, namely: to examine the extent, nature and range of research activity on a particular topic or question; to determine the value of undertaking a full systematic review; to summarise and disseminate research findings; and, to identify gaps in the existing research (Arksey & O'Malley, 2005).
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBrisbane, Qld.
PublisherQueensland College of Teachers
Number of pages36
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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