«Je ne sais pas comment faire» : évaluation des connaissances des immigrants africains établis en Australie au sujet du don de sang

Translated title of the contribution: "I don’t know how” : an exploration of Australian-based African migrants’ knowledge about blood donation

Bianca Brijnath, Michael Jay Polonsky, André M. N. Renzaho

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


    In this article, we shall discuss strategies of communication which should be favoured during recruitment drives of new blood donors among the African immigrants of Australia. We shall introduce our methodology and our results first.
    Translated title of the contribution"I don’t know how” : an exploration of Australian-based African migrants’ knowledge about blood donation
    Original languageFrench
    Title of host publicationLes Enjeux du Don de Sang dans le Monde: Entre Altruisme et Solidarités, Universalisme et Gestion des Risques
    EditorsJohanne Charbonneau, Nathalie Tran
    Place of PublicationFrance
    PublisherPresses de L'École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique
    Number of pages21
    ISBN (Print)9782810900763
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


    • blood donors
    • immigrants
    • Africa
    • Australia


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