Job characteristics, fatigue and motivation : is a happy and healthy worker a productive worker?

Kell Tremayne, Andrew J. Martin, Martin Dowson

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paper


    ![CDATA[This paper outlines a research program for exploring the relationship between job characteristics, fatigue and motivation within the workplace. This research program expands upon the job demands-control model (Theorell & Karasek, 1996), taking into account individual differences in the perception of workplace stressors. Theorell and Karasek’s (1996) model claim that an active work environment leads to greater levels of learning motivation while a high strain environment leads to burnout and fatigue. The dynamic model predicts that over time learning motivation will impede feelings of burnout, and vice versa. This dynamic model of job characteristics, burnout and motivation are likely to be moderated by individual differences. This paper outlines a program of study, consisting of a two wave longitudinal sample, to test and extend the model, as they apply to secondary high school teachers. In extending this model, an important goal of this program is to investigate if motivation and fatigue is a product of the workplace environment or the personal characteristics that are brought to the workplace. Given the importance of teachers’ influence on children’s learning processes, the results of this research could aid in workplace interventions that increase teacher wellbeing and effectiveness, in addition to school-related outcomes.]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationFourth International Biennial SELF Research Conference. Ann Arbor, US, 23rd - 26th July, 2006. Proceedings: Self-concept, Motivation, Social and Personal Identity for the 21st century
    PublisherUniversity of Western Sydney, SELF Research Centre
    Number of pages1
    ISBN (Print)1741081483
    Publication statusPublished - 2006
    EventInternational Biennial SELF Research Conference -
    Duration: 13 Jan 2009 → …


    ConferenceInternational Biennial SELF Research Conference
    Period13/01/09 → …


    • teachers
    • job stress
    • work environment
    • fatigue
    • motivation in education


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