KidsMatter : a population health model to support student mental health and well-being in primary schools

Brian W. Graetz, Lyn Littlefield, Margot Trinder, Brenda Dobia, Mignon Souter, Chris Champion, Susan Boucher, Chris Killick-Moran, Robyn Cummins

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    This article provides an overview of a new schoolbased mental health initiative currently being trialed in 101 primary schools in Australia. KidsMatter: the Australian Primary School Mental Health Initiative is a population model for supporting student mental health and well-being. Using a whole-school implementation model, it provides schools with a framework, a guided process and key resources to develop and implement a co-ordinated set of mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention (PPEI) strategies for the specific mental health and well-being needs of their students. Through KidsMatter primary schools are engaged in building their capacities for PPEI by promoting a positive school community, teaching social and emotional skills, providing parenting support and education, and facilitating early intervention for students experiencing mental health difficulties. The article describes the rationale and theoretical underpinnings of KidsMatter, outlines key features of the framework, implementation process and resources, and concludes with an overview of the major goals of the trial and the anticipated learning from the evaluation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages8
    JournalInternational Journal of Mental Health Promotion
    Publication statusPublished - 2008

    Open Access - Access Right Statement

    © 2008 The Clifford Beers Foundation


    • mental health
    • primary schools
    • school children
    • school improvement programs


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