Learner, Teacher and Content Interactions Online: A Research Evaluation of Cross-institutional, Multi-disciplinary Distance Education

Michael Singh, Qi Jing

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


The research evaluation reported here focuses on the Distance Education Hub (DEHub) Project entitled “Learning interactions: A cross- ­”institutional multi- ­”disciplinary analysis of learner- ­”learner and learner- ­”teacher and learner- ­”content interactions in online learning contexts” (herein referred to as the DEHub Project). The overarching purposes of the DEHub Project were to: a) conduct a systematic enquiry into the technologically mediated interactions of online course delivery; and b) construct understandings of and insights into the central relationship of education – teaching and learning. In terms of priorities this DEHub Project addressed “interaction and communication in learning communities” as these relate to “curriculum design” and “professional development and faculty support”. In addition, this DEHub Project also worked to contribute to orthodox research and development approach by exploring research methodologies appropriate for investigating distance learning. This DEHub Project’s beneficiaries were conceived as end- ­”users. The key expected end- ­”users for this DEHub Project include those in universities requiring “benchmark information” and “indicators” about students’ learning engagement within online courses. The Project’s end- ­” users also include those who can best improve learning through their engagement in it, namely students and academics, with the latter including course coordinators, lecturers, tutors, markers, and specialist course designers. In relation to the issue of how learners interact in online courses, the main question addressed by this DEHub Project was: what are the patterns, processes and consequences of learner- ­”learner, learner- ­”teacher and learner- ­” content interaction in online contexts? The intellectual context for this particular DEHub Project was the use of academic analytics to examine academics and students’ teaching/learning engagement within online courses. This is part of the use of learning management systems (LMS) to provide universities with benchmark information and an indicator of student engagement within online courses. The processes of and relationship between learner- ­”learner interactions and knowledge construction have been studied within online courses. The Research Proposal for this particular DEHub Project explicitly stated: “The project will achieve the following outcomes:A critical review of course designs that are both conducive to and effective for teaching and learning in online university courses. - ­” A conceptual model to illustrate and explain the role of teaching- ­”learning relationships in online interactions and knowledge construction in university courses. - ­” A set of evidence- ­”based curriculum development and delivery guidelines that will enhance online teaching- ­”learning relationships in online university courses. - ­” A collaborative research partnership between CQU and USQ. - ­” Scholarly outputs that will contribute positively to the research and publication quantum of both institutions and the DEHub consortium” (Research Proposal, 2011, p.3). The Research Proposal (2011) stated that the project will achieve all of these outcomes between February 2011 and June 2012. It is always useful for all members of a research project team to be fully aware what the expected outcomes of their study are, and to have these as a key focus throughout the project.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherUniversity of Western Sydney
Number of pages44
ISBN (Print)9781741082975
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Bibliographical note

COMMONWEALTHOF AUSTRALIA. Copyright Regulations 1969. WARNING. This work is copyright. This work may be reproduced for private study, research or educational purposes and as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 of the Commonwealth of Australia. Commercial copying, sale, hiring or lending is prohibited. Apart from the permitted uses as stated above no part of this work may be reproduced by any process without the written permission of University of Western Sydney. This work has been sponsored by DEHub, a consortium involving Central Queensland University, the University of Southern Queensland, Massey University, the University of New England and Charles Sturt University.


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