Learning spaces for the digital age : blending space with pedagogy

Lynne Hunt, Henk Huijser, Michael Sankey

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter

17 Citations (Scopus)


This chapter shows how virtual and physical learning spaces are shaped by pedagogy. It explores the shift in pedagogy from an orientation to teaching to an emphasis on student learning. In so doing, it touches on Net Generation literature indicating that this concept has a poor fit with the diverse nature of student populations engaged in lifelong learning. The argument is that the skill set required for lifelong learning is not age related. At the core of the chapter is a case study of the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) which describes a history of learning environments that have been variously shaped by pedagogy and the limits of technology. It refers to the concept of the 'edgeless university', which acknowledges that learning is no longer cloistered within campus walls, and it describes how USQ is engaging with this concept through the development of open source learning materials. An important point in the chapter is that the deliberate design of quality learning spaces requires whole-of-institution planning, including academic development for university teaching staff, themselves often ill-equipped to take advantage of the potential of new learning environments. The import of the discussion is that higher education learning spaces are shaped by deliberate design, and that student learning is optimised when that design is pedagogically informed and properly managed.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPhysical and Virtual Learning Spaces in Higher Education: Concepts for the Modern Learning Environment
EditorsMike Keppell, Kay Souter, Matthew Riddle
Place of PublicationU.S.
PublisherInformation Science Reference
Number of pages16
ISBN (Electronic)9781609601164
ISBN (Print)9781609601140
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • University of Southern Queensland
  • blended learning
  • education, higher
  • lifelong learning
  • pedagogy
  • study and teaching


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