L’essere-nel-mondo e la natalità nella riflessione di Hannah Arendt

Translated title of the contribution: Being-in-the-world and natality in Hannah Arendt’s thought

Francesca Brencio

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


    The aim of my paper is to show how the concept on natality plays an important role into Hannah Arendt’s thought, in contrast with Martin Heidegger’s concept of being-toward-death. While in Sein und Zeit Heidegger defines the feature of Dasein as its being-toward-death, Arendt underlines as the natality gives to human being its most important peculiarity – or, using heideggerian words, its ontic characterization. Coming into the world, human being receives the possibility to act; acting is what allows mankind to start something new: we experience our deepest possibility to be free and to create something new only acting and behaving, that are also the most important features of our life into society (what Arendt calls polis, referring to the ancient Greek city). With our being into the world, human being comes to the public space and inaugurates the political and social dimension of its life.
    Translated title of the contributionBeing-in-the-world and natality in Hannah Arendt’s thought
    Original languageItalian
    Title of host publicationOros 2013: Filosofia e Critica Delle Idee
    EditorsElio Cappuccio, Roberto Fai
    Place of PublicationItaly
    Number of pages8
    ISBN (Print)9788889122532
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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