Life-cycle impacts from environmentally friendly blocks

Vivian W. Y. Tam, I. M. Chethana S. Illankoon, Khoa N. Le, Daniel Rahme

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


There are growing stockpiles of industrial by-products world-wide, and Australia is not an exception. Recycling industrial by-products in an innovative way is a common challenge faced by many industries. “Nu-Rock” is a one of the reliable solutions to the industrial by-product dilemma by converting waste from coal fired power stations into a range of unique and superior masonry products for the construction industry. Nu-Rock produces a range of building products including common or rendered bricks and blocks, masonry bricks, blocks, pipes, pavers, tiles, and sheeted products. This research study conducted a detailed, and robust life-cycle analysis from cradle-to-cradle considering two parameters: cost and environmental impacts. A model has been prepared using GaBi 8.0 software for calculating the climate change and ozone depletion potential. The life-cycle cost analysis calculated the current and likely future expenditure arising from block manufacturing process focusing on Nu-Rock and the customers/end-users. Nu-Rock technology can process approximately 250,000 tonnes of ash per annum and manufacture the equivalent of up to 330,000 tonnes volume of traditional building materials. The selling price of Nu-Rock brick fall within the rage of a common brick in Sydney, Australia. The only difference between Nu-Rock blocks and common bricks is that Nu-Rock blocks derive a waste range of environmental benefits. Nu-Rock blocks emit carbon emissions approximately 27 kg CO2-eq per tonne during the raw material extraction phase although for a conventional block it ranges from 67 to 113 kg CO2-e per tonne.
Original languageEnglish
Article number104503
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Building Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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