Making Modernity: From the Mashriq to the Maghreb

Stephen Pascoe, Virginie Rey, Paul James

Research output: Book/Research ReportAuthored Book


Making Modernity from the Mashriq to the Maghreb continues the slow work begun by critical scholars to re-imagine the region in its full complexity. It challenges the counterproductive excesses of Western engagement, the self interested Machiavellianism of international politics, and the xenophobic prejudices of much mainstream culture. In the current political climate, where images of destruction and mayhem prevail, the task of critical engagement in the Middle East and North Africa is evermore crucial. Making Modernity From the Mashriq to the Maghreb directly addresses that task.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNorth Carlton, Vic.
PublisherArena Publications
Number of pages210
ISBN (Print)9780980415841
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Bibliographical note

© Arena Publications Association


  • modernity
  • history
  • politics


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