Maximum transpiration rate and water tension during drought

Remko A. Duursma, Pasi Kolari, M. Perämäki, Pertti Hari, Pertti Hari, Liisa Kulmala

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


    ![CDATA[Transpiration often exceeds rainfall even in the humid boreal forests. Although the soil water pool filled up during autumn and winter is large, it may be depleted during long spells of high-pressure weather and drought is developed. As the soil water tension (PS) becomes increasingly negative during a drought, water transport in the soil-plant-atmosphere system becomes increasingly difficult. In a simple one-dimensional representation of flow, water flow from the bulk soil to the leaf is proportional to the conductance of the pathway, and the tension difference between soil and leaf.]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationBoreal Forest and Climate Change
    Place of PublicationGermany
    Number of pages6
    ISBN (Print)9781402087189
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • droughts
    • forest management
    • climatic changes
    • transpiration
    • water tension


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