Measuring knowledge sharing processes through social network analysis within construction organisations

Navodana Rodrigo, Sepani Senaratne, Xiao-Hua Jin, Srinath Perera, Parya Rezaeian

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paperpeer-review


![CDATA[The construction industry is a knowledge intensive and information dependent industry. Organisations risk losing valuable knowledge, when the employees leave them. Therefore, construction organisations need to nurture opportunities to disseminate knowledge through strengthening knowledge-sharing networks. This study aimed at evaluating the formal and informal knowledge sharing methods in social networks within Australian construction organisations and identifying how knowledge sharing could be improved. Data were collected from two estimating teams in two case studies. The collected data through semi-structured interviews were analysed using UCINET, a Social Network Analysis (SNA) tool, and SNA measures. The findings revealed that one case study consisted of influencers, while the other demonstrated an optimal knowledge sharing structure in both formal and informal knowledge sharing methods. Social networks could vary based on the organisation as well as the individuals’ behaviour. Identifying networks with specific issues and taking steps to strengthen networks will enable to achieve optimum knowledge sharing processes. This research offers knowledge sharing good practices for construction organisations to optimise their knowledge sharing processes.]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe 45th Australasian Universities Building Education Association Conference: Global Challenges in a Disrupted World: Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Approaches in the Built Environment, Conference Proceedings, 23 - 25 November 2022, Western Sydney University, Kingswood Campus, Sydney, Australia
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventAustralasian Universities Building Education Association. Conference -
Duration: 23 Nov 2022 → …


ConferenceAustralasian Universities Building Education Association. Conference
Period23/11/22 → …


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