Mentoring, Reflection and Learning Portfolios: An Investigation Into Practices That Contribute to Professional Learning

Maggie Clarke

Research output: Book/Research ReportAuthored Book


This book is applicable to all organizations and people interested in developing professional learning in the workplace and themselves. The fundamental purpose of this book is to challenge current understandings of factors that contribute to professional learning. The nature of the inter-relationship between the specific factors of mentoring, reflection and portfolio development as key aspects of professional learning are examined.The evolution of a conceptual framework that captures the essence of professional learning and the processes that assist this learning are explored within the book. This book breaks ground by providing a conceptual framework that shows not only the relationship within and between the investigated practices of mentoring, reflection and portfolio development but the interrelatedness of these practices in developing a resonant, sound and professional learning process.The three aspects of professional learning discussed in this book may help organizations and individuals consider how they can incorporate the ideas presented into specific organizational contexts.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationGermany
Number of pages323
ISBN (Print)9783639091281
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • mentoring in education
  • teachers


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