Mixed or merged? Integration as the real challenge for mixed methods

Pat Bazeley

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose – Giampietro Gobo called for new methods that combine qualitative and quantitative approaches in a single instrument, suggesting this was the next challenge facing social research and mixed methods in particular. The purpose of this paper is to respond to that challenge. Design/methodology/approach – An overview of methods, demonstrating their inherently mixed qualities, with special emphasis on a range of methods that can be classified as merged. Findings – The real challenge is not to find merged methods, but to ensure integration of the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the methods used during the analysis and writing processes. Practical implications – Researchers need to be alerted to the mixed elements within their work, to learn how to better tap into these and to exploit the integrative potential of their methods during analysis and writing. Researchers need more “rounded” methods training. Originality/value – This paper refocuses the challenge facing mixed methods research.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)189-194
Number of pages6
JournalQualitative Research in Organizations and Management
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • mixed methods research
  • social research
  • writing


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