Modeling and identification of nonlinear hysteresis behavior of piezoelectric actuators using a computationally efficient phenomenological model and modified cuckoo search algorithm

X. Xie, Y. Cui, Yang Yu, P. Chen

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Hysteresis, an intrinsic characteristic of piezoelectric (PZT) actuators, has been demonstrated to dramatically reduce the capability and stability of the system. This paper proposes a novel computationally efficient model to describe nonlinear and hysteresis behaviors of PZT actuators. First of all, the model parameters are analyzed to investigate their effects on the output response. Then, a modified cuckoo search algorithm is used to identify the model parameters, without falling into the local optimum problems through introducing adaptive egg discovery probability and step length control factor. Further, the performance of the proposed model is validated using experimental data, via the comparison with classical Bouc-Wen and Prandtl-Ishlinskii hysteresis models. Finally, the rate-dependence of the parameters of proposed model is analyzed, which contributes to a generalized hysteresis model for the compensation control application of PZT actuators.
Original languageEnglish
Article number15013
Number of pages18
JournalSmart Materials and Structures
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2023


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