Modeling diffusion in restricted systems using the heat kernel expansion

Bahman Ghadirian, Timothy J. Stait-Gardner, Reynaldo Castillo, William S. Price

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    The averaged return-to-origin probability of finding a diffusing particle within a volume or in the neighborhood of the surface of a bounded region can be separated into a volume and a surface integral of the corresponding probability densities. However with the usual treatments (e.g., the commonly encountered diffusion propagator approach) there is no clear method to separate the integration of the diffusion propagators in each domain. Here we propose a general procedure based on applying the heat kernel expansion in restricted diffusion problems for the Green’s function of the diffusion equation on an arbitrary region with an arbitrary boundary condition. We apply this method to the treatment of surface reaction rate in a sphere subject to the reflecting boundary condition. We determine that the rate of diffusion of a particle from the interior to the surface of the sphere changes by the square root of time plus some extra correction terms. Further, we are able to relate the diffusion propagator to the invariant properties of the region. Also in this approach we investigate how the heat kernel expansion can be applied to the problem of determining the return-to-origin probability, where we obtain a more precise result for the expansion of this probability in the case of a sphere. The advantage of this method lies in its generality and applicability to any geometrical boundary configuration and any kind of boundary condition.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages11
    JournalJournal of Chemical Physics
    Publication statusPublished - 2010

    Open Access - Access Right Statement

    © 2010 American Institute of Physics. Redistribution of journal material is subject to the AIP online journal license and/or AIP copyright. For more information. see http:/ /


    • diffusion
    • heat kernel expansion
    • physics
    • surface reaction


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