Motor patterns of patients with spinal muscular atrophy suggestive of sensory and corticospinal contributions to the development of locomotor muscle synergies

V. C. K. Cheung, S. C. W. Ha, J. H. Zhang-Lea, Z. Y. S. Chan, Y. Teng, G. Yeung, L. Wu, D. Liang, Roy T. H. Cheung

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Complex locomotor patterns are generated by combination of muscle synergies. How genetic processes, early sensorimotor experiences, and the developmental dynamics of neuronal circuits contribute to the expression of muscle synergies remains elusive. We shed light on the factors that influence development of muscle synergies by studying subjects with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA, types II/ IIIa), a disorder associated with degeneration and deafferentation of motoneurons and possibly motor cortical and cerebellar abnormalities, from which the afflicted would have atypical sensorimotor histories around typical walking onset. Muscle synergies of children with SMA were identified from electromyographic signals recorded during active-assisted leg motions or walking, and compared with those of age-matched controls. We found that the earlier the SMA onset age, the more different the SMA synergies were from the normative. These alterations could not just be explained by the different degrees of uneven motoneuronal losses across muscles. The SMA-specific synergies had activations in muscles from multiple limb compartments, a finding reminiscent of the neonatal synergies of typically developing infants. Overall, while the synergies shared between SMA and control subjects may reflect components of a core modular infrastructure determined early in life, the SMA-specific synergies may be developmentally immature synergies that arise from inadequate activity-dependent interneuronal sculpting due to abnormal sensorimotor experience and other factors. Other mechanisms including SMA-induced intraspinal changes and altered cortical-spinal interactions may also contribute to synergy changes. Our interpretation highlights the roles of the sensory and descending systems to the typical and abnormal development of locomotor modules.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)338-359
Number of pages22
JournalJournal of Neurophysiology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2024

Open Access - Access Right Statement

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