Multi-frequency study of supernova remnants and H II regions in NGC300

Jeffrey L. Payne, Miroslav Filipovic, Thomas G. Pannuti, Paul A. Jones, Nebojsa Duric, Graeme L. White, Stefania Carpano

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paper


    ![CDATA[We present a multi-frequency study of supernova remnants (SNRs) and HII regions in the nearby Sculptor Group Sd galaxy NGC300, based on new ATCA observations at the wavelengths of 13 and 20 cm, XMM-Newton observations, newly-processed ROSAT (PSPC/HRI; Read & Pietsch 2001) and VLA (20/6 cm) images of this galaxy. We have investigated the physical properties at the X-ray and radio wavelengths of the 28 optical SNRs found by Blair & Long (1997) and have expanded on the multi-wavelength work by Pannuti et al. (2000) on this same galaxy. From a total of 54 radio sources and 11 X-ray sources, we report 18 SNRs and ve (5) SNR candidates (classi ed by spectral index alone) in NGC300. Five of these 18 SNRs are associated with reported optical SNRs and three have X-ray counterparts. An additional 12 radio SNRs are seen in the Blair & Long (1997) [S II] images. We also investigate luminosity function of our SNRs. Three background radio sources are con rmed and 12 other sources could represent additional background objects. Twenty two radio correlations with OB associations within NGC300 correspond to either HII regions or SNRs making them a good tracer of SNRs near star-forming regions. Additionally, two of our radio sources coincide with potential globular clusters of NGC300 reported by Kim et al. (2002).]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationX-Ray and Radio Connections, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA: Proceedings and Presentations
    PublisherNational Radio Astronomy Observatory
    Number of pages8
    Publication statusPublished - 2004
    EventX-Ray and Radio Connections -
    Duration: 1 Jan 2004 → …


    ConferenceX-Ray and Radio Connections
    Period1/01/04 → …


    • supernova remnants
    • radio sources (astronomy)
    • X-ray astronomy
    • H II regions (astrophysics)


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