Multimedia communication : an interdisciplinary approach

Steven Maras, David Sutton, Marion Benjamin

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    The computer today is increasingly a site for the intermingling of a range of media and cultural forms and consequently is becoming an object of study crossing disciplinary boundaries. This development represents a challenge for educators working with computers who find that they need to step outside of their disciplinary framework, and incorporate new interdisciplinary strategies into their practice. In this article we introduce an interdisciplinary approach called “multimedia communication”. Our aim is to chart an emergent area of interdisciplinary inquiry that can be situated between Computing (especially multimedia computing), and Communication and Media Studies.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalInformation Technology\, Education and Society
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


    • computer-assisted instruction
    • data processing
    • education
    • educational sociology
    • information technology


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