Multinationals and labour unions : are their interests anthithetical?

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    This paper explores multinational production-location decision in the context of intemational tax competition and unionisation oflabour market. The innovation of this paper is to make multinational production-location decision, tax packages and union-govemment wage bargaining endogenous that provides a framework in which optimal tax policy and labour market outcomes are explained in the light of multinational production-location, or investment, decision. It offers a two-tier game to establish an equilibrium in which the optimal multinational investment in a country is shown to be an increasing function ofthe domestic wage share. The paper hence argues. that strong unionisation does not necessarily impede multinational investment, contrary to a much-abused conventional wisdom that presupposes a strong antagonism between multinationals and labour unions. 'Intemational competitiveness' of a nation is thus not compromised with a strong labour union.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalThe Indian Journal of Labor Economics
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


    • international business enterprises
    • labor demand
    • labor supply
    • labor unions
    • trade unions


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