Multiuser-MIMO systems employing a broadcasting protocol under equally correlated generalised-Rician fading for even degrees of freedom

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Using an opportunistic transmission protocol in which users contend for transmission to a base station under equal-correlated generalised-Rician fading, new single-integral selection combiner output cumulative distribution functions (cdfs) of multivariate equal-correlated generalised-Rician fading for multiuser multiple-input multiple-output systems, and even degrees of freedom with multiple transmit and receive antennas per user are obtained in this study. Corresponding infinite-summation cdfs of multivariate equal-correlated generalised-Rician fading are obtained. Cross-verification is mathematically performed to validate the proposed findings. The new findings provide a useful mathematical framework to assess performance of wireless networks under equal-correlated generalised-Rician fading environments. The effectiveness of the new findings is exemplified by computing average bit error rates for the binary phase-shift keying scheme under equal-correlated generalised-Rician fading, and plotted against (i) a common average branch normalised signal-to-noise ratio, (ii) line-of-sight power, (iii) an even number of independently and identically distributed underlying Gaussian random variables, (iv) a total number of transmit antennas, and (v) a total number of receive antennas. Simulation results are shown to exactly match numerical simulation. Detailed discussions are given.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3326-3335
Number of pages10
JournalIET Communications
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • antennas (electronics)
  • degree of freedom
  • distribution (probability theory)
  • trellis, coded modulation


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