Nano and fine colloids suspended in the soil solution regulate phosphorus desorption and lability in organic fertiliser-amended soils

Kamel Mohamed Eltohamy, Jianye Li, Mostafa Gouda, Daniel Menezes-Blackburn, Paul J. Milham, Sangar Khan, Fayong Li, Chunlong Liu, Jianming Xu, Xinqiang Liang

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Mobile colloids impact phosphorus (P) binding and transport in agroecosystems. However, their relationship to P-lability and their relative importance to P-bioavailability is unclear. In soils amended with organic fertilisers, we investigated the effects of nano (NC; 1–20 nm), fine (FC; 20–220 nm), and medium (MC; 220–450 nm) colloids suspended in soil solution on soil P-desorption and lability. The underlying hypothesis is that mobile colloids of different sizes, i.e., NC, FC, and MC, may contribute differently to P-lability in soils enriched with organic fertiliser. NC- and FC-bound Pcoll were positively correlated with P-lability parameters from diffusive gradient in thin films (DGTA-labile P concentration, r ≥ 0.88; and DGTA-effective P concentration, r ≥ 0.87). The corresponding relations with MC-bound Pcoll are weaker (r values of 0.50 and 0.51). NC- and FC-bound Pcoll were also strongly correlated with soil P-resupply (r ≥ 0.64) and desorption (r ≥ 0.79) parameters during DGTA deployment, and the mobility of these colloids was corroborated by electron microscopy of DGTA gels. MC-bound Pcoll was negatively correlated with the solid-to-solution distribution coefficient (r = −0.42), indicating this fraction is unlikely to be the source of P-release from the solid phase after P-depletion from the soil solution. We conclude that NC and FC mainly contribute to regulating soil desorbable-P supply to the soil solution in the DGTA depletion zone (in vitro proxy for plant rhizosphere), and consequently may act as critical conditioners of P-bioavailability, whereas MC tends to form complexes that lead to P-occlusion rather than lability.
Original languageEnglish
Article number160195
Number of pages10
JournalScience of the Total Environment
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 Elsevier B.V.




  • Soil labile phosphorus
  • Colloidal phosphorus
  • Soil colloids
  • Colloidal subfraction


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