New solutions for addressing indigenous mental health : a call to counsellors to introduce the new positive psychology of success

Rhonda Craven, Gawaian Bodkin-Andrews

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    Australia's 'black' history has had and continues to have a pervasive and adverse impact on Indigenous Australians. In fact, Indigenous Australians are the most disadvantaged Australians based on all socioeconomic indicators that serve to drive life potential. There is also a dearth of scholarly research available, particularly in relation to Indigenous children in the schooling sector and mental health. However, recent research with both Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations offers new, potentially potent, solutions. In this article we provide (a) a rationale for Indigenous mental health being a significant social issue of our time, (b) a summary of some recent research findings pertaining to mental health of young Indigenous Australians, (c) outline why a positive psychology approach offers a new solution for intervention with specific reference to the importance of the self-concept construct for Indigenous students, and (d) call upon counsellors, practitioners, and policy makers to implement and evaluate the latter approach.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages14
    JournalAustralian journal of guidance & counselling
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


    • Aboriginal Australians
    • Children, Aboriginal Australian
    • Education
    • Mental health
    • Positive psychology
    • Research


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