No longer a lone wolf : on being part of the Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    The Section is very pro-active in their strive towards raising and securing the profile of qualitative methods in psychology research and teaching. Another central aim of the Section is to create a network of qualitative psychologists, to connect those with similar interests, and create opportunities for collaborations. With continued support from its members the Section is going from strength to strength, hosting a wide range of events and sponsoring a number of prizes which reward excellence in qualitative research. Furthermore the Section have recently made important contributions to the HEFCE consultations for the Research Excellence Framework (REF) through the British Psychological Society, representing the concern of qualitative psychologists who feel disadvantaged by the planned REF procedures which align psychology with neuroscience. Alongside these consultations, the Section have also funded a working party led by Dr David Giles (University of Winchester) on qualitative research and the internet, with the hope of contributing to the Society’s Ethics Committee’s recommendations for conducting research online.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)28-29
    Number of pages2
    JournalPsyPAG Quarterly
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


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