NoiseSpeech in Gesture ghost ground image immaterial performance interactive impressions interaction intuition it languor line lying and syncope noisespeech open work ordinary/extraordinary

Roger T. Dean, Freya Bailes

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    NOISESPEECH a performance and compositional concept developed by the first author (Dean 2005), refers to a range of sounds close to the maximal complexity of noise but which seem to be derived from speech though lacking any detectable words or phonemes. NoiseSpeech can be made by digital manipulation of speech sounds, such that the words and phonemes are no longer intelligible, or by superimposing the formant structure (spectral content) or prosodic pitch and dynamic features of speech onto other sounds, both noise, and environmental and instrumental sound. Such manipulations of speech have a long tradition in the work of composers such as Charles Dodge and Paul Lansky, but their application within the field of noise music is recent.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalPerformance Research
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


    • drama
    • performance art
    • performance theory
    • theatre studies


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