Nonlinear bending of nanotube-reinforced composite cylindrical panels resting on elastic foundations in thermal environments

Hui-Shen Shen, Y. Xiang

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    71 Citations (Scopus)


    Nonlinear bending analysis is presented for nanocomposite cylindrical panels subjected to a transverse uniform or sinusoidal load resting on elastic foundations in thermal environments. Carbon nanotubes are used to reinforce the cylindrical panels in two distinguished patterns, namely, uniformly distributed (UD) and functionally graded (FG) reinforcements. The material properties of CNTRCs are assumed to be temperature-dependent and are estimated by a micromechanical model. The governing equations of the panel are derived based on a higher-order shear deformation theory with a von Kármán-type of kinematic nonlinearity and are solved by a two-step perturbation technique. The nonlinear bending behaviors of the CNTRC panels with different CNT volume fraction distributions, foundation stiffnesses, temperature rise, and the character of in-plane boundary conditions are studied in details.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)163-172
    Number of pages10
    JournalEngineering Structures
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


    • cylindrical panels
    • elastic foundations
    • nanocomposites (materials)
    • nonlinear bending
    • reinforced concrete
    • thermal environments


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