Numerical analysis of hydrocyclones with different vortex finder configurations

M. Ghodrat, S. B. Kuang, A. B. Yu, Andrew Vince, G. D. Barnett, P. J. Barnett

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

94 Citations (Scopus)


This paper presents a numerical study of the multiphase flow and performance of hydrocyclone by means of two-fluid model, with special reference to the effects of diameter, length and shape of vortex finder at a wide range of feed solids concentrations. The considered shapes include the conventional cylindrical style and the new conical and inverse conical styles. The simulation results are analysed with respect to cyclone flow and performance in term of cut size d50, water split, Ecart probable Ep and inlet pressure drop. It is shown that when vortex finder diameter or shape varies, a compromised optimum performance can be identified, resulting in relatively small inlet pressure drop, Ep, and water split. Both d50 and Ep are more sensitive to feed solids concentration than inlet pressure drop and water split. Overall, the effect of vortex finder length on the separation efficiency of particles is much less significant than diameter and shape, which shows opposite trends at low and high feed solids concentrations. All these results can be well explained using the predicted tangential and axial velocities and solid volume fraction.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)125-138
Number of pages14
JournalMinerals Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • computational fluid dynamics
  • mineral industries
  • multiphase flow
  • separators (machines)
  • vortex, motion


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