Numerical and analytical modeling of SPH-ECC strengthened RC beams

M. Qasim, Y. X. Zhang, C. K. Lee

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Many studies have suggested that engineered cementitious composite (ECC) could be a highly efficient and cost-effective material for enhancing the flexural strength of reinforced concrete (RC) beams. Recently two effective retrofitting configurations using steel and polyvinyl-alcohol hybrid fiber reinforced engineered cementitious composite (SPH-ECC) were proposed (Qasim et al., Eng Struct, 2023, 284, p. 115992) and their high effectiveness for enhancing the flexural strength of RC beam was verified experimentally. However, to examine the performance of these strengthening configurations thoroughly by conducting experiments to cover practical ranges of design parameters is deemed to be too expensive and time consuming. In this study, a numerical parametric study of SPH-ECC strengthened RC beams was conducted by employing a validated finite element (FE) modeling procedure developed by the authors. The effects of four key design parameters including the compressive strength of concrete and SPH-ECC, the thickness of SPH-ECC strengthening layer and the area of reinforcement bars embedded in SPH-ECC layers on the flexural performance of the strengthened beams were studied. Parametric study results showed that the area of reinforcement bars in the SPH-ECC layers could significantly affect the flexural strength of the strengthened beams. Furthermore, in order to allow engineers to predict the flexural strength of the strengthened beams quickly, two simple but accurate analytical models were also developed for the two strengthening configurations considered. Their reliability and accuracy were then verified and confirmed by comparing with the parametric study results.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1129-1147
Number of pages19
JournalStructural Concrete
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Authors. Structural Concrete published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Federation for Structural Concrete.


  • analytical model
  • engineered cementitious composite (ECC)
  • flexural strengthening
  • hybrid fiber
  • numerical parametric study


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