On the crystal structure and magnetic properties of the Mn 0.94Ti0.06CoGe alloy

P. Shamba, J. L. Wang, J. C. Debnath, R. Zeng, F. Hong, Z. X. Cheng, A. J. Studer, S. J. Kennedy, S. X. Dou

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    12 Citations (Scopus)


    Structural and magnetic properties of Mn0.94Ti 0.06CoGe have been studied by a combination of bulk magnetisation and neutron diffraction measurements over the temperature range of 5 K-350 K. The crystal structural transition occurs at Tstr (∼235 K) with a change in symmetry from the low temperature orthorhombic TiNiSi-type structure (space group Pnma) to the high temperature hexagonal Ni2In-type structure (space group P63/mmc) and the magnetic phase transition takes place around TC 270 K. It is found that the structural transition around Tstr is incomplete and there is a co-existence of the orthorhombic and hexagonal structures between Tstr and TC (∼270 K). These results are discussed in connection with the magnetic and magnetocaloric behaviours in Mn0.94Ti0.06CoGe.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages4
    JournalJournal of Applied Physics
    Issue number17
    Publication statusPublished - 2013

    Open Access - Access Right Statement

    ©2013 AIP Publishing LLC. Shamba, P., Wang, J., Debnath, J. C., Zeng, R., Hong, F., Cheng, Z. X., Studer, A. J., Kennedy, S. J. & Dou, S. X. (2013). On the crystal structure and magnetic properties of the Mn 0.94Ti0.06CoGe alloy. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 113 (2013), 17A941-1-17A941-3. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4801523)


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