Onguard, a computational platform for quantitative kinetic modeling of guard cell physiology

Adrian Hills, Zhong-Hua Chen, Anna Amtmann, Michael R. Blatt, Virgilio L. Lew

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    149 Citations (Scopus)


    Stomatal guard cells play a key role in gas exchange for photosynthesis while minimizing transpirational water loss from plants by opening and closing the stomatal pore. Foliar gas exchange has long been incorporated into mathematical models, several of which are robust enough to recapitulate transpirational characteristics at the whole-plant and community levels. Few models of stomata have been developed from the bottom up, however, and none are sufficiently generalized to be widely applicable in predicting stomatal behavior at a cellular level. We describe here the construction of computational models for the guard cell, building on the wealth of biophysical and kinetic knowledge available for guard cell transport, signaling, and homeostasis. The OnGuard software was constructed with the HoTSig library to incorporate explicitly all of the fundamental properties for transporters at the plasma membrane and tonoplast, the salient features of osmolite metabolism, and the major controls of cytosolic-free Ca2+ concentration and pH. The library engenders a structured approach to tier and interrelate computational elements, and the OnGuard software allows ready access to parameters and equations 'on the fly' while enabling the network of components within each model to interact computationally. We show that an OnGuard model readily achieves stability in a set of physiologically sensible baseline or Reference States; we also show the robustness of these Reference States in adjusting to changes in environmental parameters and the activities of major groups of transporters both at the tonoplast and plasma membrane. The following article addresses the predictive power of the OnGuard model to generate unexpected and counterintuitive outputs.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1026-1042
    Number of pages17
    JournalPlant physiology
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


    • gas exchange in plants
    • homeostasis
    • photosynthesis
    • plant cells and tissues
    • plants, motion of fluids in
    • stoma
    • tonoplasts


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