Online journal clubs : a new opportunity for the professional development of the health promotion community

Justine E. Leavy, Joanna Schwarzman, James A. Smith, Alana Storey, Samantha Menezes, Francene Leaversuch, Jenni Judd, Freya MacMillan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Journal clubs are a well-established method to facilitate interactive peer review and critical thinking among the academic community.1 Traditionally, journal clubs have provided a forum for academic debate and professional networking. Skills learned in critical analysis, and literature appraisals are crucial in continuing professional development among researchers.2,3 Similarly, among health promotion researchers and practitioners, conventional face-to-face journal clubs have provided a means to discuss the latest health promotion literature among groups of peers, and are one method for assisting the translation of knowledge into evidence-informed practice and policy.2 Today, the journal club remains a valuable way of keeping abreast of the published research in our discipline. Journal clubs are a well-known strategy to improve quality in knowledge and skills used by health practitioners,2 and the traditional face-to-face format is often challenged by logistics such as location and timing. In 2020, the Research, Evaluation and Evidence Translation (REET) Committee and the Editorial Team of the Health Promotion Journal of Australia (HPJA) piloted an online journal club. This commentary is an opportunity to share our reflections and emerging insights into an innovative online approach to health promotion professional development and networking.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)155-157
Number of pages3
JournalHealth Promotion Journal of Australia
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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