Options and strategies for balanced development for liveable cities : an epilogue

Vijay P. Singh, Basant Maheshwari, Bhadranie Thoradeniya

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


This chapter provides a snapshot of what is covered in the preceding chapters on options and strategies for balanced development leading to liveable cities. The chapters are organized under nine sections, including peri-urbanization; culture and social economy; land use planning; water security; wastewater and irrigation; urban agriculture and food security; impact of climate change and adaptation; legal, policy and institutional framework; and integrated urban development. The chapters under these sections cover a broad range of issues for the planning of future cities and peri-urban regions with respect to (1) balanced urban development policies and institutions for future cities; (2) understanding the effects of land use change, population increase, and water demand for the liveability of cities; (3) long-term planning needs and transboundary approaches to ensure secured future for generations ahead; and (4) strategies for optimal land, water, and energy uses for viable and liveable cities. The book emphasizes integrated planning for future development of liveable, resilient, and sustainable cities and peri-urban areas.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBalanced Urban Development: Options and Strategies for Liveable Cities
EditorsBasant L. Maheshwari, Vijay P. Singh, Bhadranie Thoradeniya
Place of PublicationSwitzerland
Number of pages13
ISBN (Electronic)9783319281124
ISBN (Print)9783319281100
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • city planning
  • land use, urban
  • water security
  • urban agriculture
  • food security
  • climatic changes


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